OK as you can see I repapered the baby can. smile. I just didnt like the stripes. :) So what do think now? I've got to add more pink ribbons to the handle so it will stand out. I think it looks much better.

This picture isnt so great! ;)

Here's a birthday card I made the other night.

Here is a address book that I picked up fromt he dollar tree the other day. I love the colors!
I've been enjoying my Spring Break!!! I've been able to catch up on some cleaning and laundry. It feels so good to be able to relax! I can't wait until summer so we can go to the beach, hang out in the pool, and spend the day at the park! I miss being a stay at home mom! :)
You did an awesome job on the baby can I love it!!!! I still need to try one, but have not bought the can yet, I keep forgetting to pick one up LOL!!! I love the card and the address book too!!! :)
I hope to get some spring cleaning done later this week. I have to finish up the sandbox before the rain comes in.
Have a wonderful day!!! :)
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