Cathy's Cricut Expression Dust Cover
My Cricut Expression Dust Cover

My sweet Aunt Ben made Cathy and I the cutest dust covers for our expressions. It was a huge surprise to me because I didn't know anything about it! That was so sweet of her to do that for me! I really LOVE mine. It's actually made from a vinyl table cloth. How cool is that?!? We have the most talented people in our family!
Today Cathy and I played over at the shack. I finished my beach album! Yeah! My 8 yr old niece spent the night at pa's, so I also played with her too. I made her a little heart shape box out of the bags, tags, boxes and more. Super fun cricut cartridge. A must have. Then after she left I made the girls a picture frame for their room. I'll try and post a pic tomorrow. Super, fun, productive day! :)
I like you site! I am so jealous of you crafting room! I just bought a Cricut Expression and am so eager to start crafting! Any tips on where to get the best types/price of paper, cardstock, etc?
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