Day 3
We decided to see the sights around town since we were more Sun~Kissed than we wanted to be. After The Track, Fudpuckers, The Gulfarium and Scoops ice cream we headed back to the beach to top off the day.

This is a van coming out the side wall of Fudpuckers. They have awesome fries! They also have a live alligators and show for the kids. This was a very cool restaurant for kids and adults a like. It even has it own gift shop. Our kind of place!

The girls posing before lunch.

Since the girls were almost sun burned I decided we would do a few things around town instead of spending the hottest part of the day on the beach. So we went to The Track for a little recreation time. Haley LOVED the bumper cars! She said they were much better than the ones at Wild Adventures.

Lacey and Haley had the bumper cars to themselves the first time around. We got to the park right after it opened.

This was the girls first experience on go carts. Haley was driving like a grandma. She was going extremely slow. The guy had to go out on the little hill and literally PUSH her up. LOL It was so funny. Even the workers were laughing. She finally got the hang of it the next time.

Lacey LOVED the go-carts the best. She was wide open the WHOLE time. {Guess she has a lead foot like her mama} at least that's what Daddy says. :)

The bumper boats were really fun. Not only could you bump into other boats but you can also squirt them! SO COOL!

After the track we went to Fudpuckers and had lunch. Then we went to the Gulfarium. This was very much worth the money. Only $10 more than lunch. haha It was right on the beach. You can actually see the beach from it.

We had to wait about 25 minutes for the dolphin show to begin. So Lacey took the camera and snapped this shot of the dolphins playing the tank. It was huge tank with windows all around so you could see them. I thought she did a great job.

After going to The Track, having lunch, and visiting the Gulfarium we stopped at Scoops for ICE CREAM! YUMMY!

This guy was in training. I thought he did an excellent job! It's AMAZING how HIGH these animals can jump! You can see the pier we walked on in the back ground to the left of this picture.

He put a live fish in his mouth. YUCK! Yummy for the fish though. ;)
Looks like all of you had lots of fun. Love the van coming out of the wall. And the kids will love the memories of those pictures....
(Pattie's passion)
I Scrap So All Moments AreRemembered!
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