Last night I hosted a card challenge at Here is my verison. You had to make a card using a picture. I kind of like making cards using pictures now. This is my first one doing that. Congrats to Cristy for winning the challenge! Thank you for playing! All the cards were awesome!
Sleeping Turtle
The weather was a lovely 65 degrees today!
After work and school,
Lottie and I explored the pasture and the pond behind Stillestead.
We found several tur...
2 days ago
I like that. Cards with photos seem even more personal. Atlanta isn't near Southern GA is it? It seems like it is more central. Anyway, a friend lived in Dunwoody for a few years after college. My husband has also spent a lot of time at Ft. Benning. Your snowball is in the mail. I put it in a freezer bag so it won't melt. Haha!
I can't crop on Friday because we'll be out of town. Saturday might be do-able though if we come back on Saturday. Do you know what day she was planning?
Great card! I really enjoyed that challenge on AMR. I hope to see you over there often!!
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